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Welcome to the Toadstool Cottage Crafts blog.

Hi I'm Pip and this is my blog about the behind the scenes goings on of my business - Toadstool Cottage Crafts. I've always loved craft and sewing but last year I thought I'd see if I could make it into a business.

This blog is a way of sharing my journey with you the ups and downs the successes and disasters (and there have been a few!). I know it will at least give you something to laugh at, but hope it will provide you with tips and inspiration for your own craft endeavours! If you have a question or something to say just leave me a comment.

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Isolation Day Eight

Finally my husband has sorted out his medical appointments. The doctors' surgery didn't phone this morning so he phoned them and they said he should go in, so he drove himself down to the surgery and apparently he was the only patient there. Probably because we have all had text messages to tell us to stay away! The consultant's secretary got back to him to say the consultant was self isolating so wouldn't be seeing him on Thursday but would contact him by telephone. Phew.

The neighbours sent us clips of their CCTV video of the person opening the back of our car and he doesn't just open the back he opens both of the front doors and gets inside the car and sits in it for several minutes! He cycles along the pavement past our drive then turns around comes back and rides down our drive, gets off his bike and has a look at our car, opens the boot, closes the boot, steps through the fence and checks out the neighbours taxi but can't open the doors, so comes back to our car opens the driver's door and gets in, goes around to the passenger's  door opens it and gets in, finally gets out gets on his bike and cycles away!
My husband has now discovered that his CDs and ipod are missing.
The police rang me back and asked me to send them the video clips in the hope that the local police might recognise him. They also suggested that we keep all the car keys inside a metal tin which will prevent thieves from accessing the signals which unlock the car, so I'm off to find a tin.

The weather today has been gorgeous and I washed a sleeping bag and had it out on the line, when I brought it in, it was covered in little black specks which I thought were from the trees. I then discovered that the little black specks were crawling! It reminded me of my younger daughter's first car, it cost her £50 and it was a bright yellow original Mini. She drove it 16 miles to school every morning and I drove it  home and then drove it back to school in the afternoon and she drove it home. It was a lovely little car, a genuine Mini with sliding windows and those string door handle pulls, the only thing wrong with this bright yellow Mini was that it was always covered in thousands of black crawling mini beasts.

Today I thought I would start to sew the bright orange bag but it didn't go to plan. My new sewing machine has 3 different tension adjustment points and it must have taken me over an hour to get the tension adjusted correctly and then I discovered I was using the wrong thread and would have to start all over again. I think I'll do it tomorrow.

I have finished another crocheted baby blanket, I like to do something when I'm watching the telly, it's too dark now to photograph so I'll post some images tomorrow.

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