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Welcome to the Toadstool Cottage Crafts blog.

Hi I'm Pip and this is my blog about the behind the scenes goings on of my business - Toadstool Cottage Crafts. I've always loved craft and sewing but last year I thought I'd see if I could make it into a business.

This blog is a way of sharing my journey with you the ups and downs the successes and disasters (and there have been a few!). I know it will at least give you something to laugh at, but hope it will provide you with tips and inspiration for your own craft endeavours! If you have a question or something to say just leave me a comment.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Self Isolation Day Two

This is the photograph that I should have taken yesterday, it shows the entertainment centre now fitted into the wardrobe. All this has been done for my husband who now spends more time in bed than he does downstairs, he would be in his element watching sport - if only there was any to watch these days!

Good luck finding the correct hand controls.

First thing I had to do today was to cancel two appointments, one for my hair and the other for the dog's hair. The dog needs clipping so that he can see where he is going and I need my hair looking good for my friend's daughter's wedding, I'm not sure what I am going to do now.

I asked my husband this morning what jobs/activities he planned for the day and his answer was "I've unplugged the shredder. Its been on my list to do for weeks now." At least I had a really good laugh.

Fed up with the fact that I don't have any thread to match the bright orange future bag I decided to make a cushion instead. We have a very rural house in France (which we may never see again) and the lounge is natural stone walls, orangey floor tiles and a yellow leather suite. Now the suite used to have some brown fluffy scatter cushions until the dog decided to take them outside and kill them. I have had in mind to make some cushion covers and re-use all the leftover cushions that the children discarded, after the mad craze of having scatter cushions all over their beds. So I raided my bin bag full of scraps of fabric, chose the appropriate colours and ironed them all and now I'm left with this.

I am going to make a patchwork type cover using the 'quilt as you go' or 'crazy quilting' method, basically I am making it up as I go along but it's keeping me busy.

This afternoon my husband announced that he was going to go to the bottle bank. 
When was the last time you went out?
It's funny how when you are told not to do something you instinctively want to do it, whatever it is. In this case it was to go out. I wouldn't let him go so he moaned to the children via 'Whats App' and my son came around at night to collect all the bottles, which I have to say are mostly Baileys and I'm the only one that drinks it. We spoke to him through the closed windows, the world has gone mad.

The window bit reminds me that this morning as I was looking through the bedroom window whilst chatting to my husband about the state of the garden, I saw the man who lives behind us come out of his patio doors, walk across his patio and place something into his dustbin and then he urinated into the hedge!!! Then calmly walked back into his house. Maybe the poor man has no inside toilet?

Unfortunately I got a text message from my friend's daughter to say they have had to postpone their wedding. It's good news for me and my hair but I am so sorry for them, such a shame. Roll on November which is their new date.

A quick shot of where I am up to with my cushion cover. 

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